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SHO Safakadal flags of anti-drug addiction rally | KNO



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Srinagar, May 22 (KNO): As a spirited effort to combat the growing menace of drug addiction, an anti-drug addiction rally was flagged off on Wednesday by the Station House Officer (SHO) of Safa Kadal, Sheikh Vakil from Eidgah to Safa Kadal. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from local residents, students, and community leaders, all united in their resolve to create a drug-free society. As per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) the rally organized by the local police in collaboration with community organizations, aimed to raise awareness about the devastating effects of drug abuse and to promote a healthy and drug-free lifestyle. Participants marched through the streets, holding banners and placards with powerful messages against drug addiction. Local residents expressed their support for the initiative, highlighting the need for continuous efforts to educate the youth about the dangers of drug abuse. “It's heartening to see such initiatives being taken by our local police. We need more of these rallies to keep our youth informed and vigilant,” said Mohammad Yaseen, a resident of Safa Kadal Srinagar. A teacher from a local school, who participated in the rally with her students, shared her thoughts, saying educating young minds about the perils of drug addiction is crucial. Events like these leave a lasting impact and encourage our children to stay away from drugs, she said—(KNO)


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